Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Progress: 87%

Oh, hey.
We moved out of our house in Auburn. Sweet lord, we are so glad that is over with. We are nomadic right now, and currently in Jacksonville, AL. We'll be bouncing around between J'ville, Atlanta, B'ham, Boston, Somewhere in Texas, Possibly Hattiesburg, Hopefully Spanish Fort, and Auburn for the next several weeks.
We finally acquired our international insurance through IMG global. It was super cheap, and now we're one step closer to getting our visas. Woohoo!
All we have left to complete is forms and affidavits, then we send off our visa applications.
In other, semi-related news, we will have a functional digital point-and-shoot soon. The story goes: A few months ago I dropped our Canon SD750 from waist level and then it wouldn't turn on. We thought, "Well, hell. We'll just buy another one" (how American). But a used one was around $350. So, then I did some research and found that this was a common problem with the SD's. Then there existed links to repair shops, and one in Cali quoted us $75. They won. So did we.
Alright, I'm bored.