Friday, December 11, 2009

Tours of the Bungalow, Episode 8 — Beyond the Bungalow: La Questura/Ufficio Immigrazione

Welp, we finally got our permessi di soggiorno. We have been trying since the day we arrived to attain them, and now they are in our possession. We were never given a clear explanation as to what they are, so we don't know what they do; but we paid a lot of money and now we have them. HOORAY! While we were at the immigration office waiting to get them we decided to do a bungalow tour from "Beyond the Bungalow." Enjoy.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tours of the Bungalow, Episode 7 — The Drawing Wall

Today we present you with Tours of the Bungalow: Bungalow Tours, episode number seven. In this episode we provide a tour of the wall where we place our drawings. We also extend an invitation for a chance to be featured in a future episode of TotB:BT. Enjoy!