Friday, October 30, 2009

Lucca — A Day Trip to Dream World

Hay Guise!
We went to Lucca on Wednesday and it was magnificent. We packed a lunch, rode the train, walked around, then rode the train back. While we were in Lucca our camera battery died, so we started making short videos instead photographs. Also, our train had some electrical problems, so we were stopped in Pistoia for about an hour. Tthere couldn't exist a better representation of our day than the following video (don't forget that you have the option to watch the video in full size HD on the YouTubez. To get there, simply click play below, then click the video again to navigate to it's Tube page [for all the parents out there]).

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tours of the Bungalow, Ep. 4 — Dinner

In this episode, we tour dinner. This is our longest running episode yet, as we are hoping for an endorsement from Kikkoman.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

TotB, Ep. 3 — The Way the Heat Works

In episode three of Tours of the Bungalow: Bungalow Tours, we will be giving you a tour of the way the heat works in the bungalow.

Also, for your information, we will always embed the videos below, but they are available in full size HD on YouTube.

Thank you and enjoy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tours of the Bungalow, Episode 2

In this episode, we provide a tour of the cupboard.


Monday, October 19, 2009

New Bungalow Tour (sort of)

This is all you get this time—
A tour of our night:

Join us tomorrow for a tour of the "cupboard."

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tours of the Bungalow: "Bungalow Tours"

We've decided to begin a new series entitled Tours of the Bungalow, or, if you prefer, Bungalow Tours.
Included below is the first installment, "The Spice Cabinet & Pantry."
Let us know what you think in the comments.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vitto Messicano

In our attempt to save money, we have been cooking most of our meals. Of course, we had been cooking our own meals while in the States, but this is a different beast altogether. Our main dishes were based on black beans, cumin, cilantro, monterey jack cheese, Crystal® Louisiana hot sauce and Morningstar Crumbles™ (a vegetarian ground beef substitute). Here in Florence, we were at a bit of a loss without access to any of these ingredients. So, everything we cooked tasted like olive oil and salt. Except for the first two night were we didn't carefully inspect the spices in the cabinet and were using sugar instead of salt. But after a a week or so here, we found a "Health Food Store" (the sign is in English) that sells fagioli neri—that's black beans in I-tal-yan. Some days after that find, we found Mercato Centrale where we purchased tomatoes, cilantro, (what we thought were) serano peppers (but turned out to be some sort of hellspawn with a spice that gets you in the throat), Mexican avocados, and CHEDDAR CHEESE. Can you believe that? Cheddar cheese in Florence. All the travel books and blogs said it was impossible. (This cheddar cheese has buried it's formidable stank into the fibers of our refrigerator and we nearly pass out when retrieving anything from said fridge.) Later that day we found (overpriced) flour tortillas and (again, overpriced) Tabasco at Il Centro, our grocery store of choice, of the brand name "Casa Fiesta." This has been the best meal that we have had since we've been here. We were both terribly full at one point but continued eating solely for the flavor. We had enough supplies left over to complete the act again the next night.

Lou had the foresight to capture the meal in pixels:

After this, we starved for a week or two. Then, a few days ago, we bought soy sauce and eggs and we've been living on vegetable fried rice.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Theater Outing

A few days ago, Lou and I stumbled upon CineHall. It's an old theater that shows a lot of American movies with their original sound intact (OOS) and some dubbed in Italian. We found out that they were going to be showing a few movies from the U.S. in OOS, so we made some lose plans to go see one of them. Naturally, we forgot about those plans. Today, at about 16:00 (that's how Europeans tell time) we went wandering around with our books looking for a place to sit and read. We passed the area of the theater and decided to see what was playing. It was District 9, OOS. I checked my wallet and we only had 5€ on us, but the next showing was at 18:10 so we had some time to spare. We went back home and snagged some cash flow. Then we went and watched a movie instead of reading Fitzgerald and Salinger. What good Americans we are.

Click for a video of the theater from our seats.